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This version of the traditional ‘Pacman’ game was implemented over the course of three assignments for CSSE2002 (Programming in the Large) at the University of Queensland. The overall goal of the project was to gain confidence with writing and testing code in Java that expands multiple classes. The marking criteria was according to correct functionality (55%), code review (25%) and successful tests (20%). Each assignment received a high distinction.

Throughout this project, I expertly handled invariants and exceptions. I demonstrated strong understanding of different access modifiers (private, public), non-access modifiers (abstract, static, final), data types (primitive, reference) and collections (maps, arrays, lists) As well as highlighting my ability to logically use subclasses (inheritance, super, casting) and parse variables.


Each assignment required the full implementation of precisely the set of classes and interfaces described in the Javadoc (though private members or classes was at own discretion) that would be used in the following assignment to complete the implementation. All of the classes would be tested extensively against, an unknown, suite of tests. Additionally, I was to write JUnit tests that would be used to test, unknown, faulty implementations of the methods in:

All other tests were used for my own testing purposes.

The javadoc, specifications and code in ScoreModel, BoardModel and MainModel are the property of the respective authors at the University of Queensland

Overview of the javadoc:







